Serious games: how to improve motivation and satisfaction

Chatterjee R, Roger K, Moussavi Z (2024) Serious games: how to improve motivation and satisfaction. Journal of Dementia Care 32(5) 40-42. Serious video games can help to improve and maintain cognitive skills for those living with dementia. Rashmita Chatterjee, Kerstin Roger and Zahra Moussavi explore ways to improve long-term engagement in these games. Rashmita Chatterjee,...

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Five Ways to Wellbeing: Gardening, research and evaluation

Harvey S et al (2024) Five Ways to Wellbeing: Gardening, research and evaluation. Journal of Dementia Care 32(4)34-38. Su Harvey, Elspeth Mathie and colleagues describe a local horticultural therapy project for people affected by dementia, its evaluation using the ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’, and fruitful collaboration between the project and the University of Hertfordshire, where...

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A manager’s guide to arts in care homes

Teader A (2024) A manager’s guide to arts in care homes. Journal of Dementia Care 32(1) 13. Alison Teader describes a new resource from NAPA, created to inform and inspire managers and activity and care teams. “Art is not limited to paint and a brush; it involves anything creative that expresses your imagination. Our art...

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Evaluating the Caremark Dementia Café piloted during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Downes C, Roulston A (2023) Evaluating the Caremark Dementia Café piloted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Dementia Care 31(3) 24-26. Dementia Cafés are designed to provide people living with dementia and their informal carers with a place to meet, stay connected and develop meaningful, social relationships. Christopher Downes and Audrey Roulston evaluated a pilot...

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An inclusive sports programme for people with young onset dementia.

Tilki M (2023) An inclusive sports programme for people with young onset dementia. Journal of Dementia Care 31(2) 21-23 Programmes offering suitable activities can be hard to find for people with young onset dementia.  Mary Tilki and colleagues report on an Essex day centre that has teamed up with Sport for Confidence on an inclusive...

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Alive’s allotment

Jones I (2023) Alive’s allotment. Journal of Dementia Care 31(2) 14-15. Allotments are a great way to maintain physical activity, cognitive function and social interaction. Isobel Jones explains how one scheme is helping people remain stimulated and feel valued. We all know how being outside in fresh air can lift our spirits; that working with...

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Championing physical activity for people affected by dementia

Russell C (2023) Championing physical activity for people affected by dementia. Journal of Dementia Care 31(2) 19-20. Championing Physical Activity for People Affected by Dementia is the title of a pioneering course to help students working in a variety of sectors gain confidence in this kind of activity provision.  Chris Russell and colleagues discuss findings...

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Culture Box: using multi-sensory arts and creative activities to decrease social isolation and loneliness in people with dementia during COVID-19

Asker C (2023) Culture Box: using multi-sensory arts and creative activities to decrease social isolation and loneliness in people with dementia during COVID-19. Journal of Dementia Care 31(2) 16-18 Many care homes will be interested in a new archive of online creative resources developed to address social isolation and loneliness.  Chloe Asker, Hannah Zeilig and...

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