JDC Asks – Sept/Oct24

What do you hope and expect from the new UK government that will have an impact on dementia care? Ruth Eley is founding director and chair of trustees of Together in Dementia Everyday (tide): My hope is that the role of unpaid carers is recognised and valued – not just in warm words, but in...

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Is this ‘The unvarnished truth’?

Litherland R, Milton S, Murphy D (2024) Is this ‘The unvarnished truth’? Journal of Dementia Care 32(3) 11-13. The Long Goodbye has provoked strong reactions (see Comment and collected responses HERE). Here is the response from Innovations in Dementia, by directors Rachael Litherland, Steve Milton and Damian Murphy It has been a few weeks now...

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JDC asks: May/June 2024

Tell us what good work you are doing to improve nutrition and hydration for people living with dementia, or what advice you have from your individual experience At Milford Care we use the Montessori ethos (see HERE). This approach enables us to improve nutrition and hydration for individuals living with dementia by promoting independence, enabling...

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JDC asks:

Recruitment and retention of staff is a burning issue in dementia care services. What are the best ways to find and keep exceptional staff working for your organisation? Emma Hewat, Head of Dementia, KYN There are an unprecedented five generations in the workforce today from Traditionalists and Baby Boomers through to Generations X, Y and...

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Dementia Diaries

At the time of writing, it has been just over a week since we learned the sad news of Wendy Mitchell’s death. An award-winning writer of books, blogs, a consummate adventurer in all senses, Wendy was a beacon for an enormous number of people.  So this edition of the Dementia Diaries column is dedicated to...

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JDC Asks Challenge: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Tell us what you are doing to make dementia care more inclusive In the September/October 2023 Journal of Dementia Care, a special issue on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in dementia care, we invited readers to send us examples of excellent initiatives which are helping to make dementia services more inclusive. The invitation is still open!...

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Homeshare and dementia: the invaluable matches The homeshare movement has changed the way that people live for the better.  As a circle of support, homeshare matches younger people (the average age of a sharer is 39) who need an affordable place to live, with older people (the average age of a householder is 84) who...

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JDC Asks Nov/Dec 2023

“Asking for information about life story as a person living with dementia moves into a care home is common practice, but how can we use it to foster relationships and resilience?” Tanya Clover, head of dementia and personalisation at Porthaven Care Homes: Human beings have been coming together to share stories around the campfire since...

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Shining a spotlight on arts in care provision.

Perspectives by Alison Teader The National Day of Arts in Care Homes takes place on 24 September and is managed by the National Activity Providers Association (NAPA). The aim of this annual event is to highlight good work and promote discussion. It provides an opportunity for care and arts partners to promote the beneficial outcomes...

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JDC Asks – July 2023

Outdoor activities can have enormous benefits for physical and mental wellbeing among people living with dementia.  What outdoor activities do you recommend for this summer, now Covid restrictions have been lifted?”  Many people saw Covid as a negative experience and I did too to begin with; my routine of travelling around the country coming to an abrupt...

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