Evidence for practice/Research news

This section aims to keep readers up to date with research in dementia care and the current best evidence to support practice. We aim to provide a channel of two-way communication between researchers and practitioners, so that research findings influence practice and practitioners’ concerns are fed into the research agenda.  We welcome contributions such as:...

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Evidence for practice/Research news

This section aims to keep readers up to date with research in dementia care and the current best evidence to support practice. We aim to provide a channel of two-way communication between researchers and practitioners, so that research findings influence practice and practitioners’ concerns are fed into the research agenda.  We welcome contributions such as:...

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Research March April 2024

Detecting dementia: comparison of tools Involving 706 participants with mild cognitive impairment or probable mild Alzheimer’s disease, this study identified that the Digital Clock and Recall method (DCR™) was superior on average to the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) in classifying mild cognitive impairment and early dementia. DCR administration was also significantly faster (completed in less...

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Evidence for practice/Research news

This section aims to keep readers up to date with research in dementia care and the current best evidence to support practice. We aim to provide a channel of two-way communication between researchers and practitioners, so that research findings influence practice and practitioners’ concerns are fed into the research agenda.  We welcome contributions such as:...

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Research Summaries. July 2023

Clock Drawing Test (CDT) in screening This is the first study to examine the additional value of the CDT to the MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination) in a large older memory clinic population with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and subjective cognitive impairment (SCI). It concluded that the CDT contributes significantly to the...

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Evidence for practice/Research news

This section aims to keep readers up to date with research in dementia care and the current best evidence to support practice. We aim to provide a channel of two-way communication between researchers and practitioners, so that research findings influence practice and practitioners’ concerns are fed into the research agenda. We welcome contributions such as:...

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Championing physical activity for people affected by dementia

Russell C (2023) Championing physical activity for people affected by dementia. Journal of Dementia Care 31(2) 19-20. Championing Physical Activity for People Affected by Dementia is the title of a pioneering course to help students working in a variety of sectors gain confidence in this kind of activity provision.  Chris Russell and colleagues discuss findings...

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From deficits to possibilities: the role of resilience

Windle G, Roberts J (2023) From deficits to possibilities: the role of resilience. Journal of Dementia Care 31(2) 32-35. Despite being a well-known idea among other clinical groups, “resilience” has had less exposure as a concept in the dementia field.  Gill Windle and Jennifer Roberts explore the features of resilience and how to use the...

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Research Summaries February 2023

Self-assessment scale for care management This research developed a self-assessment scale for the management of care for people living with dementia. Key factors were: (1) ‘Person centred care’, (2) ‘Understanding of disease characteristics, treatment and care’, (3) ‘Understanding of people with dementia and care management according to their characteristics’ and (4) ‘Utilization of local resources’. ...

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JDC Research Summaries October 22nd 2022

Blogging for people with dementia Stories of living with dementia are becoming more common in the public domain and these qualitative interviews explored the motivations and experiences of six UK bloggers. While offering practical challenges, blogging offered a valuable, personalised space for people with dementia to tell their own stories in their own way. Motivations...

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