Tell us what you are doing to make dementia care more inclusive
In this issue of the Journal of Dementia Care, there are many examples of excellent initiatives which are helping to make dementia services more inclusive. We know there are lots of other brilliant projects going on, and we would like to hear about them.
Are you, as a practitioner or researcher, or the organisation you work for, making an effort to reach out and co-create opportunities for effective support to individuals and communities who tend to be under-represented and under-served in dementia services?
You might have made quite a small change which has made a big difference, you might have undertaken a stand-alone project, or you might have been involved in a major initiative to refocus your organisation’s vision and mission. What challenges have you faced, and what have you achieved? Please write to tell us what you have been doing, by answering the following question in no more than 250 words.
What have you or your organisation done to make your dementia practice or service inclusive and responsive to the needs of different communities?
Please also give your name and describe your role in one sentence. Send your replies to Sue Benson at by 7 December 2023.
The replies we receive will form the basis of our regular JDC Asks topical section in the January/ February 2024 issue of the Journal of Dementia Care.