No quick fix for a long-term problem

The Law Commission’s report on mental incapacity contains many ideas that could benefit people with dementia and their carers. Clive Evers outlines the proposals. Author/s: Clive Evers For the full article please see the PDF download linked to the right. The full JDC archive is available if you subscribe....

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Dementia and the social model of disability

The social model of disability claims it is society that disables people who have impairments, by creating an environment which is physically and socially hostile. Claire Gwilliam and Jane Gilliard argue that this model is a highly relevant and valuable way to think about dementia. Author/s: Claire Gwilliam, Jane Gilliard For the full article please...

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Music vibrates in the memory

Music that stirs deep memories provides stimulus and the background to musical and other creative activities. Olive Walker describes her work in two different residential units. Author/s: Olive Walker For the full article please see the PDF download linked to the right. The full JDC archive is available if you subscribe....

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Sharing the diagnosis – how do carers feel?

Most professionals agree that carers should be fully informed of the diagnosis of dementia and its implications, but there is much less agreement on whether sufferers themselves should be told. Hilary Husband reports on a survey to investigate carers’ views and experience. Author/s: Hilary Husband For the full article please see the PDF download linked...

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All things bright and beautiful

Murals not only brighten up any space but can provide an excellent opportunity to involve people with dementia in creative, co-operative work with a satisfying end product. Two projects are described here, by Deborah Neal, and Christine Ridley and Jane Parker. Author/s: Deborah Neal, Christine Ridley, Jane Parker For the full article please see the...

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Back into the swing of her sociable life

In sheltered housing there is a danger that tenants with advancing dementia will be excluded from social events by other residents. Tracy Petre describes how discovering the unique personality behind a woman’s “problem behaviour” led to ways of reducing her frustration, which allowed her to join in the fun again. Author/s: Tracy Petre For the...

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Developing flexible, responsive teamwork

Setting up a new community dementia service brought opportunities and challenges for Bob Barber, Lynne Dormer and Dharmachari Prasadu, who describe how it was planned and evaluated after the first year. Author/s: Bob Barber, Lynne Dormer, Dharmachari Prasadu For the full article please see the PDF download linked to the right. The full JDC archive...

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A gift to research helps carers too

Penelope Roques and Jill Walton describe their dual role as counsellors and researchers in a programme for brain tissue donation at autopsy. Author/s: Penelope Roques, Jill Walton For the full article please see the PDF download linked to the right. The full JDC archive is available if you subscribe....

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Where does dementia fit in?

Many people with dementia are not covered by the new mental health supervision orders. But do we want such an over-intrusive system anyway? asks Dr Tony Whitehead. Author/s: Dr Tony Whitehead For the full article please see the PDF download linked to the right. The full JDC archive is available if you subscribe....

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Care Needs Room to Bloom

Editorial Comment Author/s: Sue Benson For the full article please see the PDF download linked to the right. The full JDC archive is available if you subscribe....

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