It’s not too late to act, but time is running out

Most governments worldwide are poorly prepared for the impending dementia care crisis and time is running out.  But Paola Barbarino argues that it is not too late to act on the expected tsunami of demand.     Every year on 21 September – World Alzheimer’s Day – Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) launches the World Alzheimer Report, a comprehensive source of global socioeconomic information on an aspect of...

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VIPS practice model in primary healthcare  Professionals in services that had used the VIPS practice model in Norway for over 12 months were interviewed. These included nursing home physicians and managers/ leaders of domestic care, day centres and activity services.   The findings after VIPS implementation show a change in focus from task to person, a...

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Palliative care: time for a change of focus

Professor Nathan Davies, University College London  As people live longer, more are being diagnosed with dementia, leading to what is referred to by Paola Barbarino in this issue of JDC as a “tsunami of demand”. We know that it is now the leading cause of death in the UK and that palliative care needs are expected to increase 25% by 2040, with the biggest increase expected among those living with dementia.   More often than not, the condition...

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Bringing the inside out

Artists from the charity Living Words work with care home residents to write down their sounds and words.  When the pandemic struck, as Susanna Howard and Reinhard Guss recall, the charity had to invent a new approach to engaging creatively with residents.    Since the closure of long stay wards for patients with dementia in large mental health...

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Introducing CHARM: the Care Home Action Researcher-in-residence Model

Carrying out research in care homes can be challenging because it fails to consider resources within those homes or take a collaborative approach.  In the first of a series of articles Isabelle Latham and colleagues introduce their answer to this problem, the Care Home Action Researcher-in residence Model (CHARM), and explain how it works.  Conducting research in care...

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