JDC Asks – Jan/Feb 2023

Diagnosis rates are down, care providers are closing, and waiting lists for social care needs assessments are growing. What will it take to rebuild dementia care? George Rook, a Dementia Diarist living in north Shropshire: “Rebuild” implies that there was previously a structure that collapsed. But there has been no such structure, universally in place...

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Dementia Diaries Jan/Feb 2023

This is something of a departure from our usual Dementia Diaries column. At the end of 2022 we held a week-long festival as a culmination of DEEP’s 10th Anniversary. It comes as no surprise that Diarists popped up regularly across the 21 events that we organised over the week. Dementia Diarists have their own virtual...

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Research Summaries Jan/Feb 2023

Delayed hospital discharge People living with dementia often experience delayed discharge yet there is little research into their experiences.  Using semi-structured interviews with people with dementia, family members and nurses, this study identified three main themes (1) Living and waiting (2) Distress and behaviours and (3) Looking beyond the designation. It identified labelling, a behaviour...

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Blogs and Resources

Blogs  Young onset dementia is not all doom and gloom, says Jane in her Memory for Two blog, where she reflects on the strangeness of grief.  Her husband Ash was diagnosed with young onset dementia in 2017 and life since then has been an emotional rollercoaster.  “Yesterday I was happy from beginning to end of...

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