How we talk about dementia

Hewat E (2025) How we talk about dementia.  Journal of Dementia Care 33(1) 5. By Emma Hewat, Director of Dementia Care, KYN. I have been involved in many initiatives over the years to promote and support the use of positive, person-centred language in a variety of dementia care settings, helping employees to understand why some words … Read more

Dementia: the Musical

Killick J (2025) Dementia: the Musical. Journal of Dementia Care 33(1)20-22. From the show: (left above) Kirsty Malone, Fiona Wood and Ross Allan; (right above) Pauline Lockhart and Fiona Wood. Photos by Kelman Greig-Kicks John Killick sings the praises of a ground-breaking production written byRon Coleman and involving three founder members of the Scottish DementiaWorking … Read more

Reducing labelling and promoting person-centred language in dementia care case notes

Davies-Abbott I, Roberts E (2025) Reducing labelling and promoting person-centred language in dementia care case notes. Journal of Dementia Care 33(1) 31-35. Ian Davies-Abbott and Emma Roberts describe a ten-month quality improvement project in which they reviewed and analysed the language used by healthcare staff in case notes. They then developed guidance that staff were...

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Improving access to social farms for people with dementia, including people from India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan

Bartlett R et al (2025) Improving access to social farms for people with dementia, including people from India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. Journal of Dementia Care 33(1)23-26. Ruth Bartlett and colleagues report on a study that aimed to find out howaccessible social farms in England are for people living with dementia, including people from India, Bangladesh,...

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Cognitive Rehabilitation in the community

Mazzotta J (2025) Cognitive Rehabilitation in the community. Journal of Dementia Care 33(1)27-30. Justin Mazzotta reports on a Cognitive Rehabilitation pilot project in the community. Six participants — Billie, Brenda, Mike and Lynne, Chris and Lorraine — also describe their experiences of CR and the varied ways it helped them Partners in Dementia worked with...

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Living Well with Dementia – A specialist research focus at Wolverhampton University

Jutlla K (2025) Living Well with Dementia – A specialist research focus at Wolverhampton University. Journal of Dementia Care 33(1)14. CAIR is a new research centre at the University of Wolverhampton with a specific focus on improving the health and wellbeing of our diverse population. A specialist research cluster, Living Well with Dementia, includes a...

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Together Stronger Creative Arts for children of parents with young onset dementia — the first three years

Astell et al (2025) Together Stronger Creative Arts for children of parents with young onset dementia — the first three years. Journal of Dementia Care 33(1) 15-16. Arlene Astell and colleagues describe a community-based creative arts project that has shown promising results in promoting confidence, self-esteem, creativity and skills among young people who have a...

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Time Bandits or The Alchemy of the Arts

Latham I, Seall J (2025) Time Bandits or The Alchemy of the Arts. Journal of Dementia Care 33(1)17-19. Judy Seall and Isabelle Latham tell the story of Time Bandits Arts Club, a flexible, relationship-centred approach to intergenerational arts activities in a care home Author Details Isabelle Latham is researcher in residence, Hallmark Care Homes Time...

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Dementia Diaries – Jan/Feb 2025

Celebrations in the world of people living with dementia Who would have thought that there would be anything to celebrate about having dementia? If you’ve watched the latest media portrayal of Nigel in Eastenders, as your only point of reference, you would think that his life is only destined for doom and gloom. He has...

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This is a brief round-up of the news and resources regularly posted and updated on our website.

New Year’s Honour’s List 2025 Recognition for leading figures in dementia care Dawn Astle, Founder of The Jeff Astle Foundation, has been honoured with an MBE for her services to footballers with dementia. Dawn is the daughter of footballer Jeff Astle and founded The Jeff Astle Foundation after her father died from chronic traumatic encephalopathy...

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