“If you want to know the road ahead ask those coming back.”: Reflections on PPI input into the CareCoach Study and open call for carers with lived experience of dementia care to join the PPI team.

Online coaching for family carers of people living with dementia has been shown to be beneficial for wellbeing.  Geoffrey Fenwick and colleagues explain the CareCoach study which aims to generate a more robust evidence base, and invite more people to become involved as patient and public involvement representatives. Around 700,000 family carers support 900,000 people living with dementia...

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How to support people living with dementia at an Exploratory level

This article, the third in a series of four by Jackie Pool, QCS Dementia Care Champion, explores how carers and activity providers can use the PAL Instrument to support a sense of wellbeing for individuals living with moderate dementia In the previous article, I focused on individuals with moderate to severe dementia, defined as the...

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Research Summaries July/August 2022

Person-centred communication Despite ongoing research and clinical focus on person-provider communication, these authors highlight the absence of a comprehensive theoretical position to underpin person-centred communication in dementia and older adult research. They employed several person-centred care and communication theoretical perspectives to ground the study, then developed a Person-Centred Communication Enhancement Model. The discussion provides an...

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Christine Proudfoot, a dementia nurse consultant, writes interestingly about pain recognition and management on the Alzheimer Scotland blog Let’s Talk about Dementia. “Pain is under-recognised, under-estimated and under-treated as patients cannot successfully communicate pain,” she writes.  “Therefore the evidence suggests that people with advanced dementia continue to experience pain and inadequate care even with clear...

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