The challenge of assessing and treating pain in dementia

Stephen Smith and Carolanne Shaw describe how staff on a continuing care ward worked together to identify the causes and relieve the symptoms of pain and distress for one woman with dementia Author/s: Stephen Smith, Carolanne Shaw For the full article please see the PDF download linked to the right. The full JDC archive is...

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The Grandmother Question: a way to assess the quality of dementia care?

Alastair Macdonald and Natasha Garland describe a study in which managers and staff in a variety of continuing care units were asked the ‘Grandmother Question’, and look at whether answers to the question were helpful in assessing the quality of services. Author/s: Alastair Macdonald, Natasha Garland For the full article please see the PDF download...

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Should dementia care get undressed?

Damian Murphy believes that Trinny and Susannah may hold the key to the future: relationship-centred dementia care Author/s: Damian Murphy For the full article please see the PDF download linked to the right. The full JDC archive is available if you subscribe....

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