Celebrating LGBTQ+ individuals living with dementia: Navigating Pride Month in dementia care settings

Bond JA, Parish M (2024) Celebrating LGBTQ+ individuals living with dementia: Navigating Pride Month in dementia care settings. Journal of Dementia Care 32(3) 18-19. Pride Month (June) is an opportunity and a call to action for dementia care professionals to reflect on the experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals in care settings, and especially to honour their...

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New national guidelines on non-pharmacological response to behaviours that challenge

James EA. Reichelt K (2024) New national guidelines on non-pharmacological response to behaviours that challenge. Journal of Dementia Care 32(3) 20-22. New national guidelines on ‘the use of non-pharmacological interventions on the management and treatment of behaviours that challenge’ have been produced by the British Psychological Society’s Division of Clinical Psychology. Ewan A James and...

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Reaching people with advanced dementia: A therapist in residence

Walker M (2024) Reaching people with advanced dementia: A therapist in residence. Journal of Dementia Care 32(3) 23-25 Mary Walker describes her work as a therapist in residence at a care home, where she works with people in the later experiences of dementia, giving focused attention based on a body-to-body connection rather than words. This...

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A pause in The Long Goodbye

On March 22 this year, our inboxes were filled with emails regarding the Alzheimer Society’s recent advertising campaign, The Long Goodbye. These emails conveyed a range of emotions, including astonishment, shock, upset, and feelings of betrayal. In response, the directors of Dementia Community addressed these concerns by posting the following statement on our website and...

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Responses to The Long Goodbye

Responses to The Long Goodbye. Journal of Dementia Care 32(3) 11-13. The Long Goodbye, the Alzheimer’s Society’s recent video advert, has caused dismay and distress among our Dementia Community. Our Board responded with a statement of concern (above) and invited comments. These can be read in full and unedited on our website; below is a...

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Is this ‘The unvarnished truth’?

Litherland R, Milton S, Murphy D (2024) Is this ‘The unvarnished truth’? Journal of Dementia Care 32(3) 11-13. The Long Goodbye has provoked strong reactions (see Comment and collected responses HERE). Here is the response from Innovations in Dementia, by directors Rachael Litherland, Steve Milton and Damian Murphy It has been a few weeks now...

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Helping people with dementia avoid being scammed

Kennedy S (2024) Helping people with dementia avoid being scammed. Journal of Dementia Care 32(3) 25-27. Admiral Nurse Stuart Kennedy offers tips for all carers, people living with dementia and professionals, to help and empower anyone at risk or affected by scams to reduce the impact and damage they can cause. Summary This article is … Read more

What happened to personhood?

Murray J (2024 What happened to personhood? Journal of Dementia Care 32(3) 28-29. We need to re-think our language and consider how we support personhood, which then underpins relationship-centred care, says Jane Murray. If we see the world from the point of view of the person with dementia, lying can be positive and kind. Jane...

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Dementia the Montessori way:

Supporting a person living with dementia to feel they belong and have a reason to get up in the morning Phair L et al (2024) Dementia the Montessori way: Supporting a person living with dementia to feel they belong and have a reason to get up in the morning Journal of Dementia Care 32(3) 30-33....

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Dementia Champions: developing a specialist role in homecare

Newton C et al (2024) Dementia Champions: developing a specialist role in homecare Journal of Dementia Care 32(3) 34-37. In part two of a three-part series* on developing the role of Dementia Champions in Homecare, Christina Newton and colleagues describe how they gathered evidence of facilitators and barriers to developing this role, and how/if it...

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