Expressing her playfulness, love and laughter

Kathleen’s life was filled with hard work, with little time to enjoy motherhood or have fun. But the experience of dementia seemed to free her to relax, laugh and take pleasure in maternal and nurturing feelings towards her ‘family’ of soft toys, writes Kim Wylie Author/s: Kim Wylie For the full article please see the...

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Cognitive therapy for carers: distinguishing fact from fiction

Ian James, Ian Powell and Katharina Reichelt describe how they encourage carers to monitor their own thoughts as a way of understanding the strong emotions they experience. This knowledge can then help carers to find better strategies for coping with difficult caring situations Author/s: Ian James, Ian Powell, Katharina Reichelt For the full article please...

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Money matters: a system fraught with glaring inequality

In the second of two articles, Barbara Pointon analyses the chaos of funding and benefits that rarely seem to help the people they are intended for, and asks again, ‘Whose service is it?’. Author/s: Barbara Pointon For the full article please see the PDF download linked to the right. The full JDC archive is available...

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Whose hands are on the wheel? Experiences of giving up driving

Driving can be a very important issue for people in the early stages of dementia. Anne Mason and Heather Wilkinson report and comment on responses to their study in which people with dementia and carers gave their reasons for stopping driving, how the decision was made, and their views on driving assessments. Author/s: Anne Mason,...

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The crisis of care home closures

Budgets are tight, new standards have to be met – many care home owners have had enough. Madeline Armstrong reports Author/s: Madeline Armstrong For the full article please see the PDF download linked to the right. The full JDC archive is available if you subscribe....

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Once a person, always a person

Yes, Frank had dementia, but he was a person first, writes Martina Lavery, reflecting that we should be more open to what people with dementia can teach us Author/s: Martina Lavery For the full article please see the PDF download linked to the right. The full JDC archive is available if you subscribe....

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