The In Cahoots Collective: towards inspirational practice

Coaten R, Pasiecznik Parsons M, Gill B (2024) The In Cahoots Collective: towards inspirational practice.  Journal of Dementia Care 32(6)14. Richard Coaten, Maria Pasiecznik Parsons and Bridget Gill describe a dance and movement residency run by an international partnership in West Yorkshire. In Cahoots Collective – moving towards inspirational practice in Creative Health’ International Movement,...

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Research and evaluation: a beginner’s guide

Coaten R, Pasiecznik Parsons M (2024) Journal of Dementia Care 32(6)21-22. Richard Coaten and Maria Pasiecznik Parsons throw light on the often intimidating topics of research and evaluation, explain the difference and give  helpful advice to practitioners on evaluating their work. Research and evaluation are two words that can be very off-putting to creative health...

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NAPA Arts in Care Homes

The National Activity Providers Association (NAPA) is the UK’s professional association for Activity Providers and activity provision. NAPA’s core mission is to ensure that meaningful activities and person-centred engagement are integral parts of care. In collaboration with key partners in supporting arts initiatives within care settings, NAPA has produced a series of influential reports and...

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Dementia Diaries – Nov/Dec 2024

This special issue of JDC gives us a great opportunity  to showcase a positive vision of life with dementia – the blossoming of creativity, connection and growth that people with dementia have found through the arts. Many diarists and others have told us that at the point of diagnosis, they were basically advised to ‘get...

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Bewick Tales

Book review – Bewick Tales. Journal of Dementia Care 32(6)13. Stories from the life and work of Thomas Bewick By Sarah Laurence Open Ended books is a new imprint of Equal Arts, a leading creative ageing charity supporting older people and those living with dementia in Gateshead, Newcastle and across the UK. The aim of...

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This is a brief round-up of the news and resources regularly posted and updated on our website.

New personal care resources for family carers The Association for Dementia Studies (ADS), University of Worcester has launched a series of booklets for family carers supporting someone living with dementia with their personal care. The booklets come from the Crossing the Line research project funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR). The...

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Evidence for practice/Research news

This section aims to keep readers up to date with research in dementia care and the current best evidence to support practice. We aim to provide a channel of two-way communication between researchers and practitioners, so that research findings influence practice and practitioners’ concerns are fed into the research agenda.  We welcome contributions such as:...

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