JDC Asks: How do you hope the new Tory prime minister will be different from the last in responding to dementia as an issue?

JDC Asks, Sept/Oct 2022. Journal of Dementia Care 30(5) 8-9.  Dear Prime Minister As we progress through life, many of us find that intelligence, ability, privilege, wealth, etc, all count for nothing and there is a massive “levelling down”. A large proportion of us will succumb to dementia. This is one of society’s hidden diseases...

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A huge challenge lies ahead

Ivory M (2022) A huge challenge lies ahead. Journal of Dementia Care 30(5) 9. As we went to press, we were waiting to hear who our new PM would be.  Contributors to our JDC Asks section in this issue make it clear just how immense the dementia care challenge facing the new PM will be:...

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Dementia Diaries Sept/Oct 2022

Dementia Diaries, Sept/Oct 2022. Journal of Dementia Care 30(5)10. We relaunched Dementia Diaries back in June. We’ve had a host of diaries from our regulars, and a whole bunch of new people joining up. This is great, as we’re really keen to expand the number of people with dementia getting their voices heard through Dementia...

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Research Reports Sept/Oct 2022

Research Reports, Sept/Oct 2022. Journal of Dementia Care 30(5) 37-38. GP care continuity Consulting the same doctor consistently (CGPC) is known to increase quality of care but its effects on people living with dementia are mostly unknown.  Using a range of measures, this retrospective study of the medical records of 9324 patients with dementia aged...

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Blogs I’m Watching

Blogs, resources and book review, Sept/Oct 2022. Journal of Dementia Care 30(5) 39-40. “Should I enter the shark-infested waters of wokeism?” asks George Rook in a recent post.  Of course, the answer is “yes” and he writes thoughtfully on the subject.  He says he subscribes to the hidden, unconscious prejudice school of thought, in which...

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