JDC Asks – Sept/Oct24

What do you hope and expect from the new UK government that will have an impact on dementia care? Ruth Eley is founding director and chair of trustees of Together in Dementia Everyday (tide): My hope is that the role of unpaid carers is recognised and valued – not just in warm words, but in...

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Talking with Dementia Reconsidered

McGraw Hill 0335251285 · 9780335251285 by Keith Oliver, Reinhard Guss, Ruth Bartlett Already knowing Keith Oliver through my work at University of Bradford’s Centre for Applied Dementia Studies and DEEP (Dementia Engagement and Empowerment Project), I approached this book with eager anticipation. I was not disappointed: the book offered new perspectives that reinforced my understanding. It begins...

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Evidence for practice/Research news

Evidence for practice/Research news This section aims to keep readers up to date with research in dementia care and the current best evidence to support practice. We aim to provide a channel of two-way communication between researchers and practitioners, so that research findings influence practice and practitioners’ concerns are fed into the research agenda.  We...

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