Blogs I’m Watching

Blogs, resources and book review, Sept/Oct 2022. Journal of Dementia Care 30(5) 39-40. “Should I enter the shark-infested waters of wokeism?” asks George Rook in a recent post.  Of course, the answer is “yes” and he writes thoughtfully on the subject.  He says he subscribes to the hidden, unconscious prejudice school of thought, in which...

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Christine Proudfoot, a dementia nurse consultant, writes interestingly about pain recognition and management on the Alzheimer Scotland blog Let’s Talk about Dementia. “Pain is under-recognised, under-estimated and under-treated as patients cannot successfully communicate pain,” she writes.  “Therefore the evidence suggests that people with advanced dementia continue to experience pain and inadequate care even with clear...

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London housing and care provider Octavia and St Christopher’s Hospice are launching a resource to help care teams promote a better quality of life for people towards the end of their lives.  The Better Lives, Better Endings resource is aimed at care teams working in extra care housing and includes a range of tools to...

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