We are delighted to bring you this special issue of the Journal of Dementia Care looking at equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in dementia care.
Inequality and discrimination are regrettably still commonplace in the care system, both in access to services and health outcomes. To help address this, prompted by Lucy Whitman and other members of the Dementia Community Advisory Group,** we set up an EDI Working Group, to help us ensure that we put improvements in equality and inclusion at the heart of JDC and in all our events and activities, including the UK Dementia Congress.
The group has used its extensive expertise to plan, write and source all the articles. It has been a major and innovative undertaking and we hope we’ve produced a treasure trove of enlightenment and inspiration for you to make your own changes at work.
**As the new Dementia Publishing Community Benefit Society we have consulted widely with our stakeholders about our purpose and values and will be shortly announcing our change of name to Dementia Community, along with a brand new membership structure. So, watch this space!
Dementia Community
learning – sharing – inspiring
This is an interim edition of the September/October 2023 issue of the Journal of Dementia Care.
We are in the midst of ground-breaking changes to become a membership organisation: Dementia Community. An expanded edition of this issue will be on our website from mid-October, and – as a special one-off arrangement kindly sponsored by CareUK – it will be printed and distributed at this year’s UK Dementia Congress.
The expanded issue will contain details of how to join, be involved and be an active supporter of our independent, all-embracing community of best practice in dementia care. Your support is vital to us.
We look forward to welcoming you!