Creative Health Review Report Launched 

The National Centre for Creative Health (NCCH) and the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing (APPG AHW) have launched the Creative Health Review Report. 

The Review highlights the potential for creative health to help tackle issues in health and social care, including health inequalities and the additional challenges faced following Covid-19. The Review has gathered evidence that shows the benefits of creative health in relation to major current challenges, and examples of where this is already working in practice.  

Regarding dementia, the Review says:   

“There is a very strong body of evidence detailing the benefits of creative health for people living with dementia, and in preventing cognitive decline.” 

Dementia is mentioned throughout the report, but particularly extensively on pages 76-77. You can find out more about the Review and read the report, responses from a range of artists and case studies here: