Alzheimer’s Research UK share survey to assess their performance as a charity 

Alzheimer’s Research UK (ARUK) has launched a supporter survey to assess their performance as a charity.  ARUK are working with charity research agency, nfpResearch, to compare ARUK to other charities and understand more about how ARUK can improve.   You can access the survey here: The survey is live until Sunday, 23 February 2025. 

The King’s Fund launch ‘Do With’ 

The King’s Fund has launched ‘Do With’, a movement of people and organisations calling for a radical shift in the public sector from ‘doing to’ to ‘doing with’.   The first meeting of this new movement is on 26 March 2025, and The King’s Fund say of this event and their plans for ‘Do With’:  “We … Read more

NIHR ARC announce funded dementia internships

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) East Midlands has announced three funded internships.  The internships are intended to build capacity in dementia research, and interns will work with a Dementia Capacity (Dem-Comm) fellow to support one of the following areas of work:  Applications are open to pre-doctoral students, health and social care practitioners up to NHS … Read more

ADI highlights that dementia will be the third leading cause of death globally by 2040

Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) has published a paper in Nature Reviews Neurology to highlight the exclusion of dementia as a non-communicable (chronic) disease from policies and frameworks.   ADI wrote their paper in collaboration with the London School of Economics, and they point out data that includes dementia becoming the third leading cause of death globally … Read more

Providers Unite announce social care ‘Day of Action’ 

Providers Unite, a grassroots coalition uniting community care and support providers across the UK to advocate for the social care sector, has announced Tuesday 25 February 2025 as a ‘Day of Action’.  Providers Unite is described as, “A diverse and vital network of care providers, collectively serving over 1.2 million individuals and employing a dedicated … Read more

Care UK share dementia advice as part of their ‘Big Conversation’ 

Care UK has launched ‘The Big Dementia Conversation’, an online advice hub sharing knowledge and real-life experiences to support those who are looking after someone living with dementia.  ‘The Big Dementia Conversation’ includes films and written materials answering common questions relating to dementia, an events listing and a guide entitled: ‘Let’s Talk Dementia’.  You can … Read more

Deadline for Rosamund Snow Scholarship for Patient-Led Research extended

The Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences at the University of Oxford  has extended the deadline for applications to the Rosamund Snow Scholarship for Patient-Led Research.  Established in honour of the late Rosamund Snow, an advocate for patient involvement in healthcare research, the scholarship supports experts by experience to lead doctorate research projects that … Read more

TIDE launch survey into care home experiences of unpaid carers

Together in Dementia Everyday (TIDE) has launched a survey to understand the experiences of unpaid carers when the person they care for moves into a care home.  They will use the data collected to write a report for the Care Quality Commission (CQC) about how care homes can ensure that carers continue to feel involved … Read more

Still time to complete the NCF Digital Survey 

The National Care Forum (NCF) are encouraging people working in adult social care to complete their NCF Digital Survey 2025.  NCF say:  “As the government prioritises digitisation in health and social care, your insights on current technologies and future needs are vital. This 20-minute survey will help shape a digitally empowered future for Adult Social … Read more

Dementia Jersey launches ‘Boost your Brain’ campaign

Dementia Jersey has launched ‘Boost your Brain’, a campaign highlighting how lifestyle changes can lower the chances of a person developing dementia.  The ‘Boost your Brain’ campaign is focused on three key areas: loving your heart, staying sharp and keeping connected. It aims to support islanders to reduce their dementia risk (dementia is the fastest … Read more