A celebration of the arts

By Maria Pasiecznik Parsons, Creative Dementia Arts Network This journal has always championed the arts in dementia care. Creative activities and arts offer people living with dementia opportunities to experience pleasure, inspiration and stimulation, express their feelings, emotions and ideas, and to socialise and maintain social connections that enhance health and wellbeing and quality of...

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Living well with dementia: the state of the arts

Pasiecznik Parsons M, Coaten R (2024) Living well with dementia: the state of the arts. Journal of Dementia Care 32(6) 23-26.   Maria Pasiecznik Parsons and Richard Coaten reflect on changes and challenges in creative arts and dementia that they set out in their forthcoming book. Author Details Maria Parsons is Chief Executive, Creative Dementia...

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Folding back the years: 1. Music, dance and movement

Benson S (2024) Folding back the years: 1. Music, dance and movement. Journal of Dementia Care 32(6)26-28. Sue Benson looks back over 31 years of JDC articles, focusing here on music, dance and movement in dementia care. The arts in dementia care have always been a strong theme in JDC. Right from the start we...

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Folding back the years: 2. Drama, poetry and visual arts

Knocker S (2024) Folding back the years: 2. Drama, poetry and visual arts. Journal of Dementia Care 32(6)29-33. Sally Knocker reflects on some of the drama, poetry and visual arts work featured in over 31 years of JDC Having trained as a dramatherapist in my 30s and been actively involved as a facilitator and a...

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Creative Space: enabling empowerment and joy

Hastings S (2024) Creative Space: enabling empowerment and joy. Journal of Dementia Care 32(6)34-36. Shelley Hastings describes Resonate Arts’ Creative Spaces — inclusive social sessions where people living with dementia and their carers feel welcome and safe to participate in a wide range of arts activities including print-making, film making, animation, clowning, physical theatre, improvisation,...

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House of Memories: Connecting with Yemeni Elders Heritage

Ward L (2024) House of Memories: Connecting with Yemeni Elders Heritage. Journal of Dementia Care 32(6)12-13. Lizzie Ward describes the development of a new resource that brought the Liverpool Yemeni community together, for elders and young people to share memories and pride in their heritage. Author details Lizzie Ward is House of Memories Programme Manager...

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Spoiled for choice? Two different models for using music in a care home organisation    

Latham I. Spoiled for choice? Two different models for using music in a care home organisation. Journal of Dementia Care 32(6)18-20. Isabelle Latham describes two different models of using music in Hallmark Care Homes, and the benefits and challenges of each. She urges better coordination between arts practitioners and services to improve outcomes for all...

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Audio playgrounds: tools for listening or music creation

Pigrem J (2024) Audio playgrounds: tools for listening or music creation. Journal of Dementia Care 32(6)10-11. Jon Pigrem describes how the Music Dementia Technology team at the University of Sheffield has worked closely with community groups and care settings to develop an innovative device for music-based activities and therapies Author Details Jon Pigrem is a...

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Virtual Reality and museum collections: a tool for creating culturally appropriate resources

Case C (2024) Virtual Reality and museum collections: a tool for creating culturally appropriate resources.  Journal of Dementia Care 32(6)16-18. Carl Case describes the development of a 3D Virtual Reality Museum Tour, based on an exhibition he co-created at Mansfield Museum—Windrush: It Runs Through Us. It is freely available online and has many benefits for...

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Remembering Yesterday, Caring Today: Nurturing relationships through the arts  

Schweitzer P (2024) Remembering Yesterday, Caring Today: Nurturing relationships through the arts. Journal of Dementia Care 32(6)37-39. Pam Schweitzer describes a typical RYCT session in which trained volunteers welcome and support eight couples to explore key memories through the arts, a process that helps to put their current challenging situations into the context of a...

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