Innovative technology can lead to better care

Innovative dementia care technology is key to a modern care home if residents are to receive good care and staff are to manage under pressure. Rishi Sodha sets out plans for a high-tech care home in Cheshire Before the first brick has been laid in the construction of today’s care homes, decisions will have already been made...

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Now is the time to take action

Gill Livingston is professor of psychiatry of older people in the Division of Psychiatry, UCL Faculty of Brain Sciences. Worldwide around 50 million people live with dementia, and this number is projected to increase to 152 million by 2050. Dementia affects individuals, their families, and the economy, with global costs estimated at about US$1 trillion...

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Singing and smiling through lockdown

Nia Davies Williams is musician in residence at Bryn Seiont Newydd in Nοrth Wales Back in November 2015, Bryn Seiont Newydd, part of the Pendine Park care company, opened its doors for the first time, a dementia care centre for over 100 residents. Mario and Gill Kreft, who own the company, shared a vision that...

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Dementia Diaries (SO21)

People living with dementia from groups in the DEEP network are using a voicemail service to record their thoughts and experiences… wherever and whenever they feel like doing so. This time, we feature Jacqui Bingham, Stephen Tamblin, and Clive Rogers. Jacqui’s diaries are always full of practical advice: “I went to the Physio yesterday about...

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JDC Asks (SO21)

Are government plans for compulsory vaccination of anyone working in a CQC registered care home in England a good idea? The government’s regulations on mandatory vaccination in care homes take effect from 11 November, and the policy goes well beyond staff: anyone entering a care home must demonstrate that they have had a complete course...

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Action on social care – but how fair will it be?

Much remains unclear about the future of social care now that a government has finally had the courage to come clean about the financial implications of sorting it out. Governments have talked about it for well over 20 years, but action has never followed. Now there is action. One day, taxes had to rise, even...

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