Dementia care research reconsidered

A plethora of dementia research has been conducted over the last two decades, but few studies have led to improvements in the lives of people living with a dementia. While Tom Kitwood’s pioneering work on personhood has influenced the dominant person-centred care model in dementia care, the experiences of those living with a dementia in...

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‘Has Dementia a Future?’ Thoughts after John Killick’s article

Bender, M. (2022) ‘Has Dementia a Future?’ Thoughts after John Killick’s article. Journal of Dementia Care 30(5) 11. In our last issue John Killick wrote about the dominance of the “medical model” in dementia care.  Mike Bender agrees with this analysis, arguing that it is time to move away from dementia as a doomsday diagnosis....

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Why Dementia Makes Communication Difficult: A Conversation with Alison Wray

Smith E (2022) Why Dementia Makes Communication Difficult: A Conversation with Alison Wray. Journal of Dementia Care 30(5) 12-13. Dementia can make communication challenging, so getting it right is important.  Alison Wray talks to Emma Smith about how to achieve better outcomes by communicating well. Professor Alison Wray is a leading academic in communication and...

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Sonas aPc: How one remarkable woman made a difference

O’Hara M (2022) How one remarkable woman made a difference. Journal of Dementia Care 30(5) 14-15. Sister Mary Threadgold, a speech and language therapist, devised “Sonas” as a communication programme for people with dementia.  Michelle O’Hara explains the programme and ambitious plans to extend it more widely.           Mary Threadgold was...

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How to support people living with dementia at a Planned level of ability

Pool J (2022) How to support people living with dementia at a Planned level of ability. Journal of Dementia Care 30(5) 15-16. By Jackie Pool, QCS, Dementia Care Champion This final article in my series of four, explores how carers and activity providers can use the PAL Instrument to support individuals living with early dementia....

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Thirty years of poetry and dementia

Killick J (2022) Thirty years of poetry and dementia. Journal of Dementia Care 30(5) 17-19. Poet and writer John Killick looks back on 30 years of writing poems with people with dementia, remembering some of the poems published in JDC and elsewhere, and anticipating his new book, an illustrated anthology of dementia poems from his...

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Translating evidence and enhancing quality: Addressing questions that matter for people living and working in care homes

Griffiths A, Devi R, Randle A, Duzniak M, Spilsbury K (2022) Translating evidence and enhancing quality: Addressing questions that matter for people living and working in care homes. Journal of Dementia Care 30(5) 20-23. Research within care homes can help them to deliver outstanding care, but how should such research be conducted?  Alys Griffiths and...

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Covid in a care home: The experience and impact of Covid-19 and a home’s recovery from a staff perspective

Frost F, Thompson T, Matthews K, White D, Latham I, Mumford S, Williamson T (2022) Covid in a care home: The experience and impact of Covid-19 and a home’s recovery from a staff perspective. Journal of Dementia Care 30(5) 24-29. Covid’s impact on care home residents has been well documented, but less has been said...

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Thirty-six simple ways to de-escalate ‘behaviours that challenge’: Helping carers know what they already know by improving ‘Dementia Care Literacy’

James I, Randall C, Reichelt K (2022) Thirty-six simple ways to de-escalate ‘behaviours that challenge’: Helping carers know what they already know by improving ‘Dementia Care Literacy’. Journal of Dementia Care 30(5) 29-33. Care staff routinely respond to “behaviours that challenge” among people with dementia with a variety of intuitive strategies.  Ian James and colleagues...

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Psychological self-care strategies for carers of people with dementia

Hussain F (2022) Psychological self-care strategies for carers of people with dementia. Journal of Dementia Care 30(5) 34-36. Family carers sometimes feel trapped in their caring role with consequent high levels of stress and distress. Feryad Hussain argues that psychological strategies can help carers and recommends some approaches. Family carers have an essential role in...

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