Non-pharmacological prescribing in a care home liaison service

Marshall J, Thwaites S (2024) Non-pharmacological prescribing in a care home liaison service. Journal of Dementia Care 32(5) 30-34. Author Details Joanna Marshall (left) and Susannah Thwaites describe their work and the results of a small-scale evaluation that showed improved quality of lifeand reduced distress for care home residents, following non-pharmacological interventions as part of...

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Reducing psychoactive medication use: Find the ‘why’

Jenks K, Marshall D, Stokes G (2024) Reducing psychoactive medication use: Find the ‘why’. Journal of Dementia Care 32(5) 34-39. Katy Jenks, David Marshall and Graham Stokes describe and discuss a quality improvement project that focused on empowering staff to find the ‘why’ for behaviours that challenge Katy Jenks is Dementia Care Manager, HC-One; David...

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Opening Doors to Brain Workout

Sood V, Mandal G (2024) Opening Doors to Brain Workout. Journal of Dementia Care 32(5) 22-25. Author Details Versha Sood (pictured) and Gabriel Mandal describe how partnership designed and delivered a series of co-produced tailored engagements to connect with citizens deemed “hard to reach or under-represented”. The title of the series – Opening Doors to...

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Online support for South Asian dementia caregivers

Kurana S et al (2024) Online support for South Asian dementia caregivers. Journal of Dementia Care 32(5) 26-29. Suman Kurana and colleagues describe the process of translating and culturally adapting the World Health Organisation’s online intervention ‘iSupport’ for South Asian dementia caregivers in the UK. Suman Kurana1, Aimee Spector1, Afra Azadi1, Aziza Begum1, Banika Ahuja1,...

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Silver Pride: a celebration and challenge                

Bunton A (2024) Silver Pride: a celebration and challenge. Journal of Dementia Care 32(5) 10-12. Arlene Bunton reports on the success of an older adult specific LGBTQ event in East Ayrshire, celebrating diversity and promoting inclusivity; it will be followed by a free training package for social care providers Arlene Bunton is Independent Sector Lead,...

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Reading Well for dementia: the power of co-production

Niven et al (2024 Reading Well for dementia: the power of co-production. Journal of Dementia Care 32(5)13-15. Amy Niven, Rachael Litherland and colleagues describe the process of co-production, including people living with dementia and family carers alongside other experts, that led to the latest Reading Well for dementia list. Amy Niven, Hannah Pimble and Gemma Jolly,...

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Research into practice: the Living with Dementia Toolkit

Zerma E et al (2024) Research into practice: the Living with Dementia Toolkit. Journal of Dementia Care 32(5)19-22. Eleni Zerma and colleagues evaluated the Living with Dementia Toolkit, developed through the IDEAL study. They found that the Toolkit significantly benefits the well-being of people with dementia and their carers, and feedbackpointed to improvements that could increase its accessibility...

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Dementia the Montessori Way: Advancing practice and embedding culture with Dementia Care Coaches

Phair L, Gratton K, Swift K (2024) Dementia the Montessori Way: Advancing practice and embedding culture with Dementia Care Coaches. Journal of Dementia Care 32(5)16-18. This is the third of three articles on the Montessori approach and how it can enable person-centred care to be integrated across a whole organisation. HereLynne Phair and colleagues describe...

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Serious games: how to improve motivation and satisfaction

Chatterjee R, Roger K, Moussavi Z (2024) Serious games: how to improve motivation and satisfaction. Journal of Dementia Care 32(5) 40-42. Serious video games can help to improve and maintain cognitive skills for those living with dementia. Rashmita Chatterjee, Kerstin Roger and Zahra Moussavi explore ways to improve long-term engagement in these games. Rashmita Chatterjee,...

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The challenge to connect

David Truswell, member of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Group of Dementia Community and an independent writer on the impact of dementia on migrant and minority ethnic communities, and Sue Benson, Editor, JDC. The Journal of Dementia Care has always focused on sharing good practice, illustrating solutions as well as identifying problems, and ensuring contributors...

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