Ziyue Wang, a PhD research student at University of Galway in Ireland, is looking for people living with young onset dementia symptoms to participate in research into improving social health.
Ziyue Wang says:
“Improved social health can be a protective factor for people with young onset dementia symptoms. This study aims to investigate the social health in a selected sample of people who have young-onset dementia symptoms or diagnosis to explore the factors that influence social health. Results of this study will help us develop a
programme to help improve social health.”
Participants should be under 65 years old and living with dementia symptoms at home (not in a care home).
You can participate here: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=hrHjE0bEq0qcbZq5u3aBbEiXhTnWu7lBoeuocUKT0gxUQzZUWFpYM00yNVNCT0pUOUtTQ1VHWDdEVS4u&route=shorturl or to find out more information please email: Z.Wang17@universityofgalway.ie or call: 00 353-91493687