Open University Press’s “Reconsidering Dementia” series continues to grow with four new books in the pipeline to add to the five books already published. Books forthcoming next year include Talking with Dementia Reconsidered, by Keith Oliver, Reinhard Guss and Ruth Bartlett, Living with Dementia Reconsidered (IDEAL Project), edited by Linda Clare and colleagues, and Reconsidering Young Onset Dementia, edited by Jan Oyebode and George Rook. A further book on Dementia, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is being commissioned by series editors Dawn Brooker and Keith Oliver.
At a launch event during UKDC, Keith Oliver said that Talking with Dementia Reconsidered would “sit proudly” with its siblings in the series. “I wanted to showcase the power of working in a committed team of both professionals and volunteers,” he said. “Everyone went the extra mile and more.” Professor Brooker added that all the books were inclusive of people with dementia and included cover art by them too.