Welcome to Dementia Community

Dementia Community is the new name for the organisation that:

  • Publishes the Journal of Dementia Care
  • Produces the UK Dementia Congress
  • Provides the National Dementia Care Awards

Dementia Community is a Charitable Community Benefit Society, a membership cooperative that aims to provide learning and networking opportunities for the dementia care community.

Watch this webinar with Empowered Conversations describe why ‘Dementia Community’ was formed and how the Society is striving to build and strengthen engagement with all people affected by dementia, reaching out to commissioners and providers of dementia care, researchers, educators and creative practitioners, people who are living with dementia and those who have lived experience as family carers, friends and supporters of people with dementia.

Click on the image above to listen to Barbara Stephens speak to Pete Hill
on The D Word radio show.

Community members own a £1 community share in Dementia Community.

The Long Goodbye, update

November 2024

The latest Statement by the Board of Dementia Community about ‘The Long Goodbye’ ad by the Alzheimer’s Society can be found HERE

Nigel Hullah has died

Nigel Hullah’s death has been announced by the 3 Nations Dementia Working Group (3NDWG). You can read the announcement here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/340138552838718/permalink/2702852643233952/?mibextid=wwXIfr&rdid=xix5r6Dx8rnITqVn  Nigel chaired the 3NDWG and the statement from Julie…


Recommended by experts
The whole content of the Journal of Dementia Care is inspiring and very interesting. I have read a lot, but your magazine is different because of the personal stories and experiences of people who live with dementia, care for them and want to contribute to a quality life with this disease. It is important for all professionals to study and improve facilities and care for people with dementia.” Hana Zummerová,  social worker in a care home for elderly people and master’s degree social work student (innovation in social facilities), SeneCura SeniorCentrum Liberec, Czech Republic.

“Over many years, the JDC and the UK Dementia Congress have provided a forum for the exchange of ideas and information between all those involved with dementia. They have been found invaluable by all those working in the public, voluntary or private sector, whether they have been people living with dementia, care staff, family carers, researchers, clinicians or policy makers. The rise in numbers of people with dementia in the UK and worldwide means there is even greater need for such channels of information. There is now a golden opportunity, using the new technologies, to build on past achievements to disseminate information more effectively both nationally and internationally. The experience and expertise gained in the past by those running  JDC and the UK Dementia Congress means they are in a unique position to advance and enhance communication in this field.” Dr Nori Graham, Old Age Psychiatrist, former Chairman of the Alzheimer’s Society and former Chairman of Alzheimer’s Disease International. Currently  Vice President of the Alzheimer’s Society, Vice President of Alzheimer’s Disease International and Specialist  Adviser in Mental  Health and Dementia to Care UK.

“JDC is the ‘go to place’ and ‘must have’ for any dementia practitioner or dementia team either wanting to improve themselves or wanting a question answered about what works best. And for employers it’s a low cost, high value way to nurture and sustain their workforce. It really does sustain those who thrive on ideas and are willing to imagine, to try and to give more”. Jude Sweeting, Head of Quality and Enjoyment, Ladder to the Moon, Non-executive Director, Dementia Pathfinders, Trustee, Resonate Arts

“The Journal of Dementia Care is a must read for anyone working in dementia care. It is a trusted source of information, guidance and practical ideas for how to best support people affected by dementia”. Professor Claire Surr, Professor of Dementia Studies and Director of the Centre for Dementia Research, Leeds Beckett University