NAPA: achievements and impact

Reporting on its 25th anniversary year, the National Activity Providers Association (NAPA) describes 2022 as a year of “remarkable achievements, significant milestones and profound impact.”  It was marked by the first in-person conference for three years and the launch of the NAPA Year of Creativity national campaign, which Executive Director, Hilary Woodhead says in her introduction was an ambitious endeavour to promote creative expression in all its forms.

In 2022 NAPA supported 3,200 members to prioritise wellbeing and promote activity, arts and engagement, according to its Annual Impact Report published this week, and hundreds of activity and care teams participated online in the NAPA Awards.  It adds that the fourth National Day of Arts in Care Homes, held annually on 24 September, attracted 555-plus people to NAPA live events developed in partnership with seven arts organisations.

Among other notable numbers were that there were 500 new resources, toolkits, activity ideas and calendars, and that NAPA reached 15,000 activity and care professionals during the year.  NAPA was also able to boast 29,000 followers across its social media platforms and 654,550 connections made across its news networks.

In a new three-year strategic plan, published alongside the impact report, NAPA promises to build on its existing programmes of work, including its professional and practice development pathways, and its support services, projects and research programmes.

Impact Report:
