People living with dementia and carers who are drawing on social care support or thinking about it, and who would be interested in informing the work of Skills for Care as they lead the development of a workforce strategy for adult social care in England, are being sought to form expert groups.
The strategy that Skills for Care are developing will identify the adult social care workforce needs over the next 15 years and set out a plan for ensuring the sector has enough of the right people with the right skills.
Jane Brightman from Skills for Care said:
“We believe that a workforce strategy for adult social care should be informed by people who draw on that care and support. We want to know what people living with dementia want from social care over the next 15 years.”
Skills for care will be running expert groups, meeting virtually for an hour a fortnight, starting this month and running through to the end of February.
Find out more via Innovations in Dementia or by contacting Jane directly