Carers UK launch ‘This Counts as Care’ 

Carers UK has launched a new campaign entitled ‘This Counts as Care’ to help those who don’t currently identify as an unpaid carer to see themselves in this way. 

Carers UK say: 

“There are currently 5.7 million unpaid carers in the UK caring for an ill, elderly or disabled relative or friend long-term, with 4.7% of the population in England and Wales providing 20 hours or more of care a week.   

Despite this, over a third (35%) of UK adults don’t consider caring for a loved one or relative as care and many people who struggle to identify as carers – because they continue to see themselves, primarily, as a loved one or friend – are continuing to care alone.   

New figures from the Carers UK State of Caring 2024 Survey show that over half (55%) of carers took one year or more to realise that they were caring, and over a third (38%) took 3 years or more to identify with their caring role.” 

You can view the ‘This Counts as Care’ film here:

More information about this campaign is here: