Together in Dementia Everyday (TIDE) has launched a survey to understand the experiences of unpaid carers when the person they care for moves into a care home.
They will use the data collected to write a report for the Care Quality Commission (CQC) about how care homes can ensure that carers continue to feel involved as equal partners in providing care and support after the person with dementia has gone into care.
TIDE say:
“Too many carers tell us that they went from being a carer to a visitor and were not ready for, or happy with, this change in roles. Carers tell us that they want to be seen as an important part of the care team around the person with dementia. We want to make sure that true ‘shared care’ is a reality for all carers who wish to continue their caring role, to the extent that is right for them.”
You can access the survey here: All responses are anonymous and the survey will close at 12pm on 10 February 2025.