A Cambridgeshire start-up, Supersense technologies, has hit the headlines with its use of cutting-edge technology to improve the lives of those living with dementia and their families.
Matt Ash, co-founder of Supersense Technologies and an electronics engineer, was inspired to begin his work for people with dementia after becoming a long-distance carer for his mum with dementia. Unsure of how his mum was coping day-to-day at home on her own, Matt wanted to find a solution to be able to keep a closer eye on his mum.
Alongside his Supersense Technologies co-founder James Brown, Matt used Artificial Intelligence (AI) to produce a device that can monitor a home and the person living there without cameras or microphones. They believe that by installing it early in someone’s life with dementia, their device can ‘learn’ the person’s regular behaviour and alert family carers to problems or changes in patterns, whilst enabling the person with dementia to remain independent for longer.
James says of his device:
“Privacy and simplicity are key. It’s just one plug-in box with some clever sensors inside which empowers carers to take the right action at the right time for them.”
James and Matt are hoping to make the final shortlist for the prestigious Longitude Prize on Dementia which is announced this year. You can find out more about the timeline for the Longitude Prize on Dementia in our recent news item https://journalofdementiacare.co.uk/the-longitude-prize, and more about James and Matt’s story can be found here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-67264900