The Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) has given a ‘not upheld’ ruling on the Alzheimer’s Society’s advert ‘The Long Goodbye’.
The ASA received 235 complaints that the advert was excessively distressing, offensive and irresponsible.
In response, the ruling says:
“Alzheimer’s Society said that they were conscious from the outset that a campaign about the realities of dementia would be sensitive and potentially challenging for some audiences, and that they approached all aspects of the campaign with due care. The core message of the ads was truthful, powerful and vitally important to convey. The history of their cause had demonstrated that it did not serve those with dementia to shy away from highlighting the tough reality they faced, however difficult it might have been to do so.”
The ASA says in their ‘not upheld’ assessment:
“The ASA considered that whilst the portrayal of the progression of dementia in the ads was an accurate reflection of one family’s experience which represented the gradual loss of a person with dementia which many felt, it was nonetheless emotive. It was likely to resonate strongly with those who had dementia themselves and those who had someone close to them with dementia. Additionally, the ads, and particularly the references to death, could cause a significant emotional impact with a wider audience.”
You can read the ruling here:
You read viewpoints submitted to Dementia Community about ‘The Long Goodbye’ here: