DEEP and tide

Another report from UK Dementia Congress 2022.

DEEP – the Dementia Engagement and Empowerment Project – is a lifeline, said Dory, who told the audience how DEEP groups across the UK had already had 17 in-person celebrations of the organisation’s tenth anniversary this year: “We’re all unique and wonderful but together we’re a masterpiece. For me DEEP was a lifeline not long after diagnosis. In lockdown, through the power of Zoom, DEEPers from all corners of the country shared so much support through a very dark time: “DEEP represents friendship, unity, kindness and respect.  We’re all in the same boat and we can support each other.”

Also helping launch UKDC were carers’ group tide – Together in Dementia Everyday, a valuable resource of support for carers and ex-carers. Ruth Eley (chair of tide) introduced Mary Mitchell and Hazel Barrow, who related harrowing experiences through lockdown, excluded from a care home and unsupported at home.