Carers UK publish report into paid Carers Leave 

Carers UK has published a report entitled: ‘Taking the next step for working carers – Introducing a new right to paid Carer’s Leave’. 

The report’s findings suggest that introducing paid carers leave could benefit millions of workers by reducing work-related inequalities, with employers seeing productivity gains up to £8.2 billion per year. 

Carers UK, who are campaigning for Paid Carers Leave, say: 

“There are 2.5 million employees who juggle paid work with their caring responsibilities and research estimates that a staggering 600 people a day are having to give up work to care for family and friends, significantly impacting their financial future in the short and longer term.  
Women are twice as likely than men to leave their job due to caring, older workers are significantly at risk of giving up work and low paid workers cannot afford to take the time off to care. Paid Carer’s Leave would have a positive impact on inequalities in the labour market.” 

Currently all employees with unpaid caring responsibilities have a statutory right to five days of unpaid Carer’s Leave. 

You can read the report here: