TIDE’s work continues with an expanded Carer Development Programme 

After a threat to their survival, TIDE (Together in Dementia Everyday) have announced that they’ve secured funding to continue their work supporting family carers of people with dementia until at least September 2024. 

TIDE are expanding their Carer Development Programme, a co-produced course of online events that are designed to help unpaid carers by giving them the advice, support and information they need. New topics for the programme include: 

  • Dementia, Delirium & Depression  
  • Adapting Your Living Environment  
  • Purposeful Activity  
  • Communication & Dementia  
  • Preparing You for Getting Involved in Research  
  • Balancing Caring and Working  
  • Moving Forward: A Guide Forfor Families Moving Aa Loved One Intointo a Care Home  

Find out more about TIDE Carer Development Programme here: https://www.tide.uk.net/projects/carer-development-programme/ and book onto TIDE events here: https://www.tide.uk.net/events/