When I get old’ movement invites collaborators 

Social Care Future has launched ‘When I get old’, a movement for a different care and support future. 

Led by Angela Catley and Sian Lockwood, ‘When I get old’ is a space for conversations and positive disruption. Angela and Sian are looking for allies – organisations and people thinking about the kind of care they would want for parents or themselves as they get older – to begin to have conversations and help create a movement for greater choice in the services and supports available for people in older age. 

Find out more here: https://socialcarefuture.org.uk/noticeboard/whenigetold/ 

Read the ‘When I get old’ manifesto here: https://socialcarefuture.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/When-I-get-old-a-movement-for-a-different-care-and-support-future-180324-for-SCF.pdf 

Join the movement by emailing with the subject line ‘I’m in’ and your contact details to Sian sian.lockwood54@gmail.com or Angela angelacatleywork@outlook.com