Dementia is top cause of death

Figures from the Office for National Statistics show that dementia and Alzheimer’s disease was again the leading cause of death in 2022, accounting for 11.4% of deaths in England and Wales.  In this category, 65,967 deaths were registered, compared with 61,250 (10.4%) in 2021, when it was also the leading cause of death.

“Our most recent survey showed that 2 in 10 people are unaware that dementia is even a cause of death, yet last year it claimed nearly 66,000 lives in England and Wales alone,” said Samantha Benham-Hermetz, policy and public affairs director at Alzheimer’s Research UK.  “As the impact of the pandemic recedes, we must learn from the lessons of Covid-19 and speed up progress in finding new ways to treat, diagnose and prevent dementia.”