Eurocare research provides insight into unpaid care across Europe 

Eurocare research carried out by University College London and St George’s University of London, with support from UK charity Carers Trust and research teams in Spain, Norway and Germany, has documented the impact unpaid care has on the mental health of those providing it, and how unpaid care is more likely to be provided by people from low-income households. 

The research examined unpaid care provided by people of all ages across Europe, and has been broken down into three reports. 

Carers Trust’s Executive Director for Programmes, Policy & Impact, Rohati Chapman, says: 

“This vital research shows the significant impact that failing to support unpaid carers has across Europe. From young people seeing their future prospects blighted to ever worsening mental health and finances across all ages, the price paid for unpaid care is high. People shouldn’t be forced to sacrifice their own health and wellbeing just for trying to do the right thing by looking after family and friends, but that’s the situation faced by millions of carers.” 

Find out more about Eurocare, and read the reports for young adult carers, mid-life carers and later life carers, here: